Year 5

Mrs Walker, Mrs Dickinson, Mrs Martin and the whole Year 5 Class would like to welcome you to our Curriculum Information Page.
Please read on to find out about our exciting curriculum.
Y5 Drop-in Clubs:
  • Tuesday Lunchtime: Homework Club
  • Thursday Lunchtime: TTRS
  • Daily opportunity: Lexia and Letter Join access (lunchtimes)
Home Reading: Read to Succeed
We recommend reading daily as this has the greatest impact on wider learning and the enjoyment of reading. 
Each week the number of reads (for the previous week) is recorded and this contributes towards our 'Reading for the Stars' pupil reward system (see our English Curriculum page for more information). 
Please record each read in the Reading Record book along with the book title and pages read including any comments you would like to make. As we know that households are very busy, our children can also record in the record book for themselves.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you feel that you would like some tips and ideas as to how to encourage your child  to read at home. We will be happy to help.
Looking to add to your child's home-library or wondering which books would be suitable from the local library?
Take a look at the recommended reads below (see also our Reading Spine including plague texts for further suggestions).