Our Vision
At Lockwood Primary School we want all of our children 'To be the best they can be.'
We aim to provide an outstanding, inclusive educational experience, created in an environment where mutual respect, tolerance, democracy, liberty, the rule of law, understanding, equality and well-being alongside a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum, prepares children for their next steps in life and learning, whilst enabling them to identify, celebrate and hone individual talents.
We work hard to ensure our children are ‘happy’ and safe at school, and aim to ensure that every child that leaves us is articulate, a fluent reader, a proficient writer and able mathematician meeting age related expectations or better, whilst acknowledging that their particular strengths and expertise may lie in other areas of the curriculum.
Our goal is for children to move from Nursery to Reception happily. To move from Reception to Year 1 confidently and from Year 6 to Year 7 ready to fly.
Lockwood is more than a school it is a family, comprising of our children, their siblings and parents, staff, governors and the residents of Boosbeck. Working together makes us stronger and enables us to make an even bigger difference to the lives of our children and the community in which they live.
We aim to:
- Create an atmosphere where children are happy, secure and ready to learn.
- Value each individual child and encourage him/her to reach their fullest academic, aesthetic, physical, social and spiritual potential.
- Eliminate discrimination
- Promote equal opportunities.
- Foster good relationships between pupils with SEND and pupils without SEND.
- Provide a relevant, broad and balanced curriculum which allows each child to work towards achieving appropriate age related expectations required to prepare them for the next key stage.
- Have a common policy for behaviour rooted in the fundamental British values of tolerance and respect, throughout the school emphasising a positive approach and also educating the children as to what is acceptable or unacceptable behaviour.
- Provide opportunities for our children to understand the rule of law enabling them to make moral choices through the consideration and discussion of events in the news, understand democracy - learning through experience, understand and exercise their right to liberty, respect the universal rights of every child, be environmentally aware and a global citizen.
- Build up relationships of trust, respect and support between staff, governors, parents, advisory colleagues and friends in the local community for the good of the children within our school.